Wat 362 mensen zeggen over Restaurant 't Ganzenest*

9.2 Gebaseerd op 362 reviews. 96% van de gasten raden dit restaurant aan.
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"very nice first experience"
10.0 Keuken 10 | Service 10 | Sfeer 10

we had a 5 course menu that we integrated with a glass of Nyetimber, a cheeses selection and a delicious "café gourmand" to close the experience. food was surprising in complexity and taste. the pigeon as main course was amazing. the wine pairing well selected (we appreciated the 'half glass' option). the pace of se...

Lees hele review

we had a 5 course menu that we integrated with a glass of Nyetimber, a cheeses selection and a delicious "café gourmand" to close the experience. food was surprising in complexity and taste. the pigeon as main course was amazing. the wine pairing well selected (we appreciated the 'half glass' option). the pace of serving just a perfect balance between the courses for an overall service that has been impeccable (I know, is the attention you expect in such restaurant, but this is the 'people part' and the whole team at the tables and behind the scenes deserves a "well done, bravi!").`t Ganzenest is now on our list. :)

FedEle op 25 oktober 2023

"Elegant dining soiree"
9.3 Keuken 8 | Service 10 | Sfeer 10

We arrived and we were welcomed with smiles and politeness by the staff. The decoration was minimalistic but elegant! The layout of the table and the overall appearance of the dishes impressive and unique. We were three adults with a kid and a pregnant woman, so they customised the dishes according to their needs an...

Lees hele review

We arrived and we were welcomed with smiles and politeness by the staff. The decoration was minimalistic but elegant! The layout of the table and the overall appearance of the dishes impressive and unique. We were three adults with a kid and a pregnant woman, so they customised the dishes according to their needs and were friendly. To the very strong points were the finesse of how the dishes were created and how were presented!Our only recommendation and point for suggestion is that it would be nice to include milk and dark chocolate elements in the desserts as both were mainly based on fruits, pineapple and lemon. (Although there was white chocolate!)

Angelos Katsogridakis op 21 oktober 2023

10.0 Keuken 10 | Service 10 | Sfeer 10

Wat een fantastische belevenis om bij ‘t Ganzenest te eten! De combinatie van smaken en structuren, de prachtige opmaak van de borden, de geweldige service! Het was echt een feest om hier te dineren en we komen zeker terug!

Angela op 17 oktober 2023

Plattegrond Alle restaurants in Rijswijk (Zuid-Holland) e.o.

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Over Restaurant 't Ganzenest*

Keuken: Frans

In ’t Ganzenest in de groene rand van Rijswijk zet chef en gastheer Erik Tas authentieke allure en toegankelijke kwaliteit neer, uitgebouwd met de ruimte en faciliteiten die deze locatie te bieden heeft. Met de vanzelfsprekende, oprechte gastvrijheid en service om het de gast helemaal naar de zin te maken. Dit restaurant verwent haar gasten graag met bijzondere gerechten.

Erik heeft ervaring opgedaan bij verschillende grote namen zoals, Parkheuvel in Rotterdam en de Zwetheul in Schipluiden. Daarna koos hij zijn eigen weg met de opening van Bij Erik in Leidschendam, waarna hij ook restaurant/hotel 't Ganzenest heeft geopend. Elke maand kookt hij gerechten met de passende ingrediënten van het seizoen, zo verrast hij iedere gast steeds opnieuw.

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