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Found restaurants for the Staatsloterij Restaurantactie

1. De Roozeboom
100% recommended
Pancakes |

3 course Chef's dinner
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At the moment there is no availability between 18:00 - 20:00. Try another time slot.
32.50 22.90
7. Florent - le bistro NEW
98% recommended
French |

5 course dinner incl. glass of bubbles
Search for the next available time slot
At the moment there is no availability between 18:00 - 20:00. Try another time slot.
76.50 67.00
11. Juliana Utrecht
76% recommended
Japanese / Sushi, Chinese |

10 course Teppanyaki dinner
Search for the next available time slot
At the moment there is no availability between 18:00 - 20:00. Try another time slot.
110.00 75.00

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